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No Star Hotels


Hyderabad - Banjara Hills
Andhra Pradesh India


23 Feb, 2018 ( 6 years ago )

By: Blobb Serviced Apartments

Rating Type No Rating Budget US $59 - US $110 per night

Blobb Serviced Aparments

Blobb Serviced Apartments BanjaraHills Hyderabad

Be it assured that BLOBB offers an ideal serviced apartment for your stay with a sense of style. We believe that every traveler has a choice with unique needs and solitary lifestyle.

BLOBB is a premier provider of corporate housing and serviced apartment solutions with admirable facilities in Hyderabad. We provide comfortable Stay space for corporate, individuals and leisure travelers, our properties are ideally located in a prime residential area with wide range serviceability which makes your stay a pleasant and memorable.

Our apartments are fully furnished with design-oriented interiors and furniture in different styles and sizes. Right from espresso spoons, fresh bed-linens to branded toiletries & round the clock check-in/check-out service and Wi-Fi, we provide everything which makes your living comfortable in our properties.

BLOBB Serviced apartments offer a split kitchen and living areas, allowing access to space in the apartment to eat, entertain or simply relax. For families, groups or long stays, our apartments can also be a cost-effective alternative to hotels of the same standard.

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