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3 Star Hotels


Kochi-Fort Kochi
Kerala India


12 May, 2011 ( 6 years ago )

By: fortcastlecochin

Rating Type 7+ Ratings Budget US $0 - US $59 per night

Fort Castle

Hotel Fort Castle - Fort Cochin (

The Fort castle is a new boutique hotel in the heart of Fort Kochi. Explore the glorious past of Fort Kochi where history, time and tradition meet by staying at Fort Castle which comprise of 10 elegantly furnished, smartly designed rooms providing you with stylish comfort and modern amenities. Be it Chinese Fishing Nets or St Francis Church ( where Vasco da Gama was once buried) or Kochi beach, all are located within walking distance from hotel. Soak in the history by walking through the streets lined with mixture of old houses built by the Portuguese, Dutch and British in the colonial periods. Quality Service, value for Money and personal attention are always assured.

Contact Us

Hotel Fort Castle
Rose Lane
Fort Cochin
Pin- 682001
Ph- +91 484 2216810, 2216811, 2216812
Fax- +91 484 2216812 /

Directors of the Hotel
William Rodrigues - +91 9446544001
Shaik Ismail - +91 9846036977

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